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Hi, I’m Su.

My aim here is simple: to help you know yourself from the inside out and use that insight to help you live your life to the maximum, on your own terms.

Who Are You And What Do You Want?

Like most people on the planet, you are most likely looking for happiness and success in life. Or you might have found certain successes in life only to find yourself asking “is this it?”

Like me, you would have looked for happiness in the wrong places or let your identity be defined by a career you do not enjoy, being with people you do not like nor love or obsess over the minutiae of productivity and success only to find that amidst all this noise, you had lost sight of your own identity and your purpose in life.

I believe that deep down we all know what it is that we want in life and whom we want to become. Sometimes however, we let external influences dictate our life’s directions and not our own truths. We are told to be rich, be productive, be spiritual and happiness will come your way. What if there is another way?

What if we simply get back to basics and started understanding ourselves better, started to really know why we behave in a certain way, how others behave in a certain way and started creating our life according to our own identity?

We all experience freedom and happiness in different ways but, most of us experience these emotions when we are actively pursuing goals or dreams that speak to us deep within our soul and when we can enjoy the journey physically and with people we love. To truly prosper in life, you need to own that power to chart the course of your life on your own terms, you need to act on what you really want in life and be the person you are meant to be.

What’s Holding You Back?
You are an intelligent person, you have goals you want to achieve. You have all the drive in the world and the capabilities to boot. Yet, people you know are achieving amazing success, experiencing incredible relationships and living amazing lives and you wonder, “why haven’t I done it yet?”

Fear, time, worthiness, capabilities are some of the reasons we have all uttered time after time. My personal barrier was lack of qualifications, when I first started in corporate work, I did not even have a diploma and because of this I often felt unqualified not because I could not do it but because the other candidate had a degree. Sometimes however, these are stories we tell ourselves, so we can avoid getting disappointed if things do not work out.  Crafting the life that you want is not easy, but it is possible, as long as you want to do it.

Perhaps you have forgotten whom you really are, or have not discovered what your purpose is, perhaps you have forgotten what your interests are or have not stopped to realise that you are capable of so much more than the limits you set yourself. Whatever it may be, you feel the drive to be more.

I Get Where You Are Coming From

Look, I get it. I have the same fears and doubts. I started on this path of life change because I know the unshakeable feeling of being trapped and unfulfilled in life, yet not knowing how to move forward. I spent more than a decade on unfulfilling corporate work and worked my way up to a general manager’s role.

Yet, I still felt unhappy and thought that I should just plug at it and that I will someday enjoy the rewards of a good salary and prestige of being in charge.

At times I even felt guilty for feeling unfulfilled because I had so much great things going for me that many others would be grateful for without question. That guilt and the hope of eventually being happy was my trap and I know it is the same for some of you. Perhaps not just at work but in relationships too?

My turnaround started happening when I simply stop linking happiness and success to just one thing in life, be it a position in a company, or x amount of dollars in the bank, complete well-being is the key.

Life is made up so much more than just work, you need to have loving and supportive relationships, you need to be financially secure and you need to be pursuing goals and dreams that speak to your soul, not just your bank account.

Most importantly, you need to know who you are. You need to be a whole person and not a lopsided career person.

I believe that for us to be fulfilled mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually, we need a clear idea of our identity, whom we are and what we are put on this earth to do and be. I am constantly learning but have also learnt so much along the way.

I am by no means a guru. I am just simply an individual who had enough of being unfulfilled and decided that yes, I am good enough, I deserve much more and I know you do too.

And Now, You

So enough about me, let’s talk about you.

You know who you are. You are tired of everything, you know that the life you are living now is simply not enough.

Perhaps you feel a little lost and a little discouraged but beneath that is still a burning desire for a full life. You want to know who you are, what your purpose is and damn it, you just want to feel fulfilled and satisfied but you do not know where and how to step off the hamster wheel. You know that you have so much more to offer but don’t quite know exactly how awesome you are. You know that life is for the taking and refuse to accept that you should just be content with your unhappy lot.

You want to live the best life you deserve. My mission is to help you regain control over your life and start getting to know yourself and what you are truly capable of. Let me help you take over your world. Life is too damn short not to live on your own terms.

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How To Create The Life You Want | Suzanne Mason

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